LoRa Technology – The TTGO LoRa32 Development Board
The acronym LoRa refers to a long-range (long range) telecommunication technology, better known as LoRaWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network).
It is for all intents and purposes a radio frequency wireless network that was initially developed by the French company Cycleo, but was acquired in 2012 by the California-based company Semtech.
Thanks to the project carried out by the LoRa Alliance since 2015, a nonprofit association, today, despite the fact that the LoRa physical layer is proprietary, it is still possible to use an open developed model that is based precisely on the LoRaWAN protocol, and that boost the collaboration of major global players such as Google Cloud, Cisco, IBM, HP and more.
In the Old World, the frequency band that is commonly used is ISM 863-870 MHz, but there is also a secondary 433 MHz band that falls right into the 70cm ham radio band albeit in secondary status. LoRaWAN data transmission modes are extremely effective and by using a bandwidth (125KHz) much more than our data transmission modes, it achieves very significant distance coverage over the territory.

Build “LoRa_APRS_Tracker”

Build iGATE IU2PLZ-12 @home